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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Twenty twenty-one is going fast. We are half way through June already!
This year has been a very good for butterflies/skippers so far. 

May was very cold with snow in the early part of the month. I wondered if this would effect butterfly populations and/or emergent times. It seemed, at first, that species were emerging later, but as  temperatures warmed up, butterflies caught up and are emerging on time.

Hoary Edge is considered an uncommon specie in Michigan and can be difficult to find if you don't know were to look. So on May 30, 2021, I went to a location reported to have a good population of Hoary Edge skippers.

I arrive at the location in Washtenaw County, Michigan around 10 o'clock and starting exploring the area.
It took about 20 minutes to locate 1 of 2 Hoary Edge seen for the day. This was a lifer skipper for me!
There were a few other species at the location including - Little Wood Satyr, Pearl Crescent, Silver-spotted Skipper, Juvenal Duskywing and Common Road Side Skipper. 

Hoary Edge - Achalarus lyciades
May 30, 2021
Washtenaw County, Michigan

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