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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Last Month or so

In mid August I ventured to Michigan's upper peninsula for 5 days. The quest here was rest, relaxation and finding a few Michigan lifer butterflies. My son David joined me for Monday and Tuesday.
The weather was not cooperative most of the time. But when the sun came out, so did the butterflies.
 Our first stop was Basnau Road in Chippewa County. We had our first looks at Green Comma and Leonard's Skipper, along with Pink-edged Sulphur and Dun Skipper.
Tuesday was a total washout, but we managed 50+ bird species at Seney NWR.
Wednesday, David left for home and I went to Whitefish Point. The point was totally fogged in, but birding was good. Thirteen species of warblers were seen, along with a Black-billed Cuckoo.
Thursday was perfect. I drove from St. Ignace to De Tour Village and back.
Monarchs, Dun Skippers, Cabbage Whites were at every stop. I managed to pick up Common Branded Skipper at the Carp River Road fishing pier. Unfortunately I only had a 10 second view of the skipper and no picture was taken. 

Green Comma on Basnau Rd.
Chippewa County - Michigan
August 18, 2014

Pink-edged Sulphur on Basnau Road
Chippewa County, Michigan
August 18,2014

Dorcus Copper - pull out along Hwy 134
Mackinac County, Michigan
August 21, 2014
 Complete Butterfly List
August 18 - 21, 2014
Common Branded Skipper - Michigan lifer
Leonard's Skipper
Long Dash
Dun Skipper
Black Swallowtail
Cabbage White
Clouded Sulphur
Orange Sulphur
Pink-edged Sulphur
Dorcus Copper
Aphrodite Fritillary
Northern Crescent
Green Comma - Michigan lifer
Red Admiral
Common Wood Nymph